Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Korean Dessert Honey Bread : 허니브레드

Today I will be showing you guys how to make Korean Dessert HONEY BREAD!!!
If you ever been to Korea, or Korean bakery or cafe ; you know what I'm talking  about. 
It basically layers of bread toast cover in whatever you like! 
( I made mine strawberry chocolate honey bread!! ) 
I added strawberries,chocolate syrup, vanilla icecream & whipped cream!!
yum yum yum!!

* if your on a diet please avoid this recipe! :(

Things you'll need !

Ingredients : 3~4 slices of bread , strawberries , butter , honey , chocolate syrup , cinnamon powder, whipped cream & ice cream 

all of above 
you can add whatever you want. 
If you don't like strawberries ; add banana , peach , tangerine & etc !

I used whole bread , but it doesn't matter if you use slices. 
 Run through knife just like shown in picture 

I went almost to the bottom so butter and honey will soak in deeply.

Melt the 1 table spoon of butter and 1 table spoon of honey in the 
microwave for 30 sec. 

Then brush all over the top and let it soak in.

Bake it for 15 minutes on 300 degrees 
( Until nice golden brown ) 

decorate with you favorite toppings .. 
and  your done !!!

Honey Break is really easy and quick to make. 
Goes perfect with tea or hot coffee. I like to enjoy mine with Hot hazelnut coffee. ( of course no sugar added) 
Its really popular in Korea now. Almost all cafe has all different types of honey bread. 

Garlic and butter honey bread, cheese honey bread ...

Try it sometimes and you'll LOVE it !!

please leave comments below if you have any questions!!

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